Honing the craft.

You are here: Inside the braces - These are my professional posts and notes They are mostly about development and web technologies.

Installing K3s with experimental SELinux support

K3s is a certified lightweight Kubernetes distribution suitable for resource constrained environments, developed by Rancher and the open source community. In this post, I am sharing my experience with installing K3s on CentOS 8.0 with SELinux enabled.

Migrating to Python 3 on Google App Engine - Part 5 - Finishing touches before deploying to Python 3

In this part of the Migrating to Python 3 on Google App Engine series, I walk you through the last few migration steps that are concluding my blog application's journey to the App Engine Python 3 Standard Environment.

Blog facelift

My humble blog's design has turned 5 years old last month, so it was time for a revamp. Since this is a personal blog, I have decided to keep things minimal and use a framework that saves me from doing the research of the latest trends in CSS layouts, and Bootstrap has proven to be a great companion to accomplish this mission. You will find details about my goals, tools and process below.

Migrating to Python 3 on Google App Engine - Part 4 - Setting up simple authentication and authorization

In today's post I continue my App Engine Python 3 migration series with adding authentication and authorization features using the tools provided by the Pyramid Web Framework and the Google Sign-In service.

Migrating to Python 3 on Google App Engine - Part 3 - Migrating from Webapp2 to Pyramid

Migrating to Pyramid from Webapp2 was the part of my journey to Python 3 on Google App Engine. This post details the changes I had to do, to accommodate my application for the Pyramid Web Framework.

Migrating to Python 3 on Google App Engine - Part 2 - The Datastore

This is Part 2 of my Migrating to Python 3 on Google App Engine blog series, about migrating to the newest Google Datastore client API. I share my migration experience from the App Engine DB API to NDB and finally Cloud NDB.